Circles of Support and Accountability
Member of CoSA Canada
CoSA Covid 19 safety protocols
CoSA VFV is concerned about the safety of its Core Members, Volunteers and Staff… their safety is of the utmost importance. Keeping this in mind, alternative and creative service provisions have been initiated, wherever possible as we continue our support groups for sex offenders. We now also offer online sexual offender support and virtual circles for core members.
“Virtual Circles” are not possible, as many of the Core Members are not able to use digital technology because of his/her court-imposed conditions.
Telephone contact, teleconferencing is currently used in many Circles. Individual telephone contact with the Core Member may be increased where deemed necessary.
Traditional face-to-face meetings are limited. Where it has been deemed necessary and feasible, meetings take place with social distancing measures in place and all participants wear masks. As weather permits, Circle Meetings take place outdoors.
Referrals and new Circles continue to be welcomed.
In-person training events have been postponed.
COVID-19 has been challenging for all Core Members. Social isolation and exclusion, which Core Members already experience, are exacerbated during this time. Anxiety and social distancing from support networks make this a very difficult time for many CMs.