Circles of Support and Accountability
Member of CoSA Canada

Webinar Details & Booking
How Technology has changed sexuality, sexual abuse & sexual offending
TUESDAY JAN. 26, 7:00 PM
Cost: Free

How pornography changed when it went online and it’s effects on audiences
How sexual offending has been affected by online technologies and how sexual predation has changed
New techniques by responders and how we are doing to respond to these changes
This will be an informative session for all parents, grandparents, teachers, and anyone who can help teach people at risk.
Guest Speaker: Merlyn Horton, Founder of Safeonline.ca
Host: Christian Dy, Director, Latitude West Financial (CoSA Volunteer)
CoSA (Circle of Support and Accountability) is a not-for-profit organization supporting the prevention of sexual crimes.
Need more information? Contact: vfvcosa@gmail.com
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